Step 1: Create a unit entitled "Production 7 - Second News Story / Documentary / VOV (Voices of Vermont)"
Monday Nov. 14 Finish Commercial Production--full of notes / screen shots / vocabulary / Come up with news or
VOV story (you may need to film outside of school or during flex)
Tuesday Nov. 15 Begin working on News / VOV
Wednesday Nov. 16 work on News / VOV (I will grade commercial Production)
Thursday Nov. 17 work on News / VOV
Friday Nov. 18 Movie Review Due
Monday Nov. 21 News story or VOV submitted and this Production is ready for grading
Put down news story ideas in this Unit. Explain how you would approach each idea.
Remember that you need something that you can work on in class and flex blocks. Each news story should one to two minutes at most.
Step 2:
Tuesday Nov. 15, 2016 pitch your news story idea to the class for the next BBA NEWS program. Remember that you need something that you can work on in class and flex blocks. Each news story should one to two minutes at most.
Step 3:
With your group, plan, write, shoot and edit the news story, upload to Vimeo and embed in your portfolio. Under the news story write an explanation of the process that you went through from idea to final product.
Step 4:
Write up all notes of what you learned in your second attempt at a news story.
Make sure that you also have a Daily Journal.
Use screen shots or BTS (Behind the scene) footage.
Step 5: Friday Nov. 18, 6am :A movie that is on the American Film Institutes Top 100 list of all time ANY LATER (than 6am) AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO! Put it in Production 7.
Please follow all the directions.
(Goal setting lesson)