"I think, at the end of the day, filmmaking is a team, but eventually there's got to be a captain."
-Ridley Scott
Create a unit titled: Production 5: PSA (Public Service Announcement)
Monday Oct. 17 Begin PSA Brainstorm and Pitch with actors
Tuesday Oct. 18 Sit Scout and release (know what equipment you will be using / storyboard)
actors -rehearse / wardrobe
Director Storyboard and Shot list
Crew-write down the Equipment that you will need for Thursday
Wednesday Oct. 19 Service Learning Day
Thursday Oct. 20 Begin shooting PSA
Friday Oct. 21 Wrap up shooting
Put your PSA idea in this Unit. Be specific and put your script, location and what you need to make a good commercial. You will write a “pitch” for a PSA. It can NOT be longer than thirty seconds and it has to relate to the BBA Community somehow. PSA's will cover serious topics or while commercials will be comical. Embed your script and Storyboard (you can take a cell phone picture and upload it if you like) into this Unit and be ready to verbally share it with the actors. Preproduction is critical!
You will be put in groups with actors and you will all pitch your ideas. Decide which idea has the strongest chance of being produced. Create a Storyboard if you are the director of your film. Then Create a shot list for the day (s) you will shoot. (Here are some templates)
After you have filmed the PSA upload it to vimeo and share it with the rest of the crew and the actors. Embed the films that you made and share them with the rest of the crew and the actors. The written piece will need to be a much more detailed than your previous paragraphs as you have now had more exposure to film making but you are new at working with actors.
Please show all films that you were a part of and write strong reflections. If you were a director, please show your Story Board and Shot List. If you were not a director you can still use the shot list and story board that your director created.
Add a strong set of notes that especially describes the use of story boards, shot lists, pre-production, working with Jim, working with actors, the importance of each job. You should date and make daily notes.
Movie Review
Friday Oct 14, 6am (If it is late you will earn a zero!) :A black and white film (does not have to be an old movie). Here is a list of a few---but you can find your own. Put it in Production 5. Follow all directions!!