TIME TO INTERVIEW (Jan. 22- Feb. 2)

 PREREQUISITE: Finished Plushie and Plushie 2.0 (completed reflections and vocabulary)


Create a Unit labeled: Production 3 -Interview


Any link in RED--please read or watch and take notes!



  1. Groups of 3
  2. LAV Mic
  3. JVC HM 100
  4. SD Card
  5. LED or Soft Box
  6. Light Stand


Monday Jan. 22  - learn techniques and pre interview

Tuesday Jan. 23 1st  Interview  with Canon Vixia

Wednesday Jan. 24  begin editing and adding B-roll / Reshoot if needed.

Thursday Jan. 25  Finish editing 1st interview.

Friday Jan. 26  2nd Interview with Canon Vixia. (Work with two different people)

Monday Jan. 29 finish interviews edit and add B-roll and credits.

Tuesday Jan.  30  finish interviews edit and B-roll and credits.

Wednesday Jan. 31 Clean up Portfolio and have news story planned and ready to start after Feb. break

Thursday Feb. 1 Sea Bright Rising and time to finish second interview

Friday Feb. 2 Sea Bright Rising and time to clean up PortfolioNews Story Documentary Review Due!

Monday Feb. 5  Pitch your News story pitches in Production 4 (News / Documentary)


  • In groups of three and take turns interviewing each other. During each interview each student will:

              -Film (Director of Photography..."DP") 

              -Conduct the interview /Direct It (ask the questions, delegate how to set up the lighting, etc.)

              -Be The Interviewee  (look good and answer the questions)

Site Scout for good lighting.

  • The purpose of this project is to learn how to use the JVC HM 100 cameras, get good sound for interviews, what it's like to be interviewed, how to be an effective interviewer, the importance of lighting, and how to compose interview shots.
  • You will edit the film of the person you interviewed (i.e. the film you were asking the questions to the subject) and understand the use of B-Roll in interviews.
  • Once finished editing, upload your film to Vimeo, embed it into your portfolio, and write up your reflection. Make sure you reflection refers to Rule of Thirds , Key Light,  B-Roll and Use of  B-Roll in the film that you edited.
  • Also put embed the links of the film where you are interviewed and where you are D.P. (Director of Photography). Write a reflection under each of these films. What did it feel like to be interviewed?  What would you change next time?  What did you learn about how someone behaves when they are being filmed?  What was it like to be D.P.? Explain the process of framing and filming.


Vocabulary (copy and paste into your Production 2 and define each term)


Video Server

Rule of thirds

Where are the lights and light stands?

Where do the batteries get charged when you are finished?


Lavalier Mic (Lav Mic)

Canon T3I / T5I

Director of Photography (DP)

Dissolve or fade



Lower thirds


Shoe / Quick Release plate


Ken Burns effect


Movie Review

Documentary Film Review is due Feb 2



Take Notes Everyday and Put them in this section--you may take pictures of your notes from your notebook if you choose.


Production 3 should have the following:


Interview 1 on the vixia with reflective paragraph

DP interview 1 on the vixia with reflective paragraph

your interview 1 on vixia with reflective paragraph

(all films embedded)


Interview 2 on the JVC with reflective paragraph

DP interview 2 on the JVC with reflective paragraph

your interview 2 on JVC with reflective paragraph

(all films embedded)



Notes from this unit (take daily notes)—you can photograph your hand written notes if you prefer

(you may even want to embed and make notes about Sea Bright Rising)


Vocabulary— copied and defined


Create new page (news / doc)--pitch news stories



Documentary Review for Production 3 Due Friday Feb 3


Advanced students will oversee the first set of interviews then begin a Lynda course (taking notes and keeping a journal to document their work).

Documentary review.

News story (or stories)

Rule of thirds.